SOMEC Sintesi is born, a new company by SOMEC Navale.


The refit segment is experiencing a phase of expansion, driven by the cruise operators’ positive outlook regarding post-Covid increasing demand.

SOMEC Navale is already present in the refit segment with NAVALTECH, a company incorporated under US law, which operates worldwide for U.S.-based cruise operators.

SOMEC Sintesi, a company incorporated under Italian law, was created with a view to be closer to EU-based customers’ needs.

Thanks to a redistribution and expansion of the resources within SOMEC Navale destined to the new company, SOMEC SINTESI possesses at birth the specific know-how in refit projects, the result of the competencies of the companies of the SOMEC group, world leader in naval architecture, including TSI – Total Solution Interiors, a leading company in on-board interiors.

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