Two new projects for the MESTIERI division


Two new prestigious projects, for a total value of €10mn, for MESTIERI, the design and creation of customized interiors division.

The first contract concerns the construction of high-quality steel and brass windows and finishes in a historical extra-luxury hotel overlooking the Grand Canal in Venice. The works are part of the renovation and restyling of the building structure, aimed at improving its impact in terms of environmental sustainability, and will see MESTIERI S.r.l. operate using the skills of the newly acquired CEOLIN.

The second contract, which is being fully formalized with one of the most famous jewelery brands in the world, relates to the creation of customized external façades of various types for some boutiques in Europe and the Middle East. For the realization of the projects, MESTIERI S.r.l. will make use of the skills of the excellent craftsmen CEOLIN and LAMPARREDO.

“The luxury and high-end market is experiencing a phase of great excitement, in Italy and in the world – underlines Oscar Marchetto, President of SOMEC -. With this awareness and the will to confirm ourselves every day as a trusted partner for clients of absolute importance, the business model of MESTIERI takes more and more shape. These two new contracts demonstrate this, which provide for the coordinated and synergistic intervention between the lead company, its artisan excellence and the other SOMEC companies involved“.

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