A preliminary agreement signed for the acquisition of BUDRI S.R.L


Mirandola-based BUDRI, a company of world excellence in marble shaping, will join Mestieri, the SOMEC Group company that creates high-end customized interiors.

Over time, BUDRI has gained unparalleled international experience in the production of marble and semi-precious stone elements in complex turnkey projects in the segments of residences, luxury retail, and hospitality, and other prestigious buildings, acquiring a leading position among the largest architectural firms in the sector and with references all over the world.

The operation, which will take place through Mestieri S.r.l. and which will be completed by 31 July 2022, is strategic in expanding the offering of specializations for high-end customized construction projects of the SOMEC group. The preliminary agreement provides for the payment at closing of a provisional price of 7.5 million euros for the acquisition of 65% of the share capital of BUDRI.

Oscar Marchetto, President of SOMEC commented: “In the creation of Mestieri I wanted to create a reality capable of attracting unique excellences, recognized in the world for their know-how and for that all-Italian quality that makes the difference. BUDRI represents exactly the level of ability, experience, professionalism, and competence that we want to bring to the common factor. It stands out for the skill with which it manages to shape the hardness of the marble, giving lightness and versatility to this material, working it as if it were a precious fabric. The operation will contribute to the enhancement of Italian handcrafted creations as well as works of art, of which BUDRI is a historical custodian. “

We have embraced the Mestieri project by sharing the entrepreneurial vision of Oscar Marchetto” underlines Gian Marco Budri, CEO, “who intends to safeguard knowledge, values​​, and artisan tradition, aspects that are strengthened by this agreement.”

Gian Marco Budri will remain CEO, in line with the business continuity and management strategy of the company and Oscar Marchetto will hold the role of Chairman of the Board of Directors.

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